Stand-in Attack Weapon - The US Air Force has awarded a contract to three defense companies to develop a new short-range surface-to-air missile. The SiAW will be able to engage enemy ground targets while in an opponent's air defense, targeting ballistic missiles, surface-to-air missiles, and other types of critical targets. The backup assault weapon will be the basis of the next generation, replacing older, slow-moving weapons that use modern technology.

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and L3Harris compete to develop SiAW and Defense News. Each company will receive $2 million to begin development, with service purchases of the first rocket in 2023.

Stand-in Attack Weapon

Stand-in Attack Weapon

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Modern warfare in the 21st century divides air-to-surface weapons into two categories: those launched from a great distance, outside enemy air defenses, and those launched from within the network itself. Those fired from a distance are called standoff weapons. Less stealthy and unsurvivable aircraft - such as the B-52 Stratofortress, F-15 Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon - often use makeshift weapons. It allows aging aircraft to continue to contribute to air/ground combat, all while freeing up stealth aircraft to do dangerous work.

The Maverick missile was a standout tool until the early 2000s, but the missile was also dated. Nor can the F-35's internal weapons carry it.

The F-35s, in particular, will use the stop device when working in the envelope against the enemy, and a mistake can make it easy to shoot them down. SiAW will allow F-35 pilots to quickly engage ground targets before the target can eject a missile or move elsewhere.

In the past, autonomous weapons were bombs, unguided missiles, and anti-aircraft guns. As cyber weapons became more important, they gave way to missiles like the AGM-65 Maverick (pictured above). The F-35 currently has no standoff weapons, with the exception of one number of bombs, such as the Paveway laser-guided bomb and the Global Positioning System-guided bomb (JDAM). Although short and extremely accurate, both are free-range weapons and do not exceed Mach 1 in speed.

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Unmanned aircraft such as the F-35 will penetrate enemy airspace, which is protected by surface-to-air missiles such as the Russian Buk and the Chinese HQ-9. To quickly shut down air defense missile batteries when they begin to pose a threat, they must contain a bomb that is easier to target and faster than normal. Another target for the SiAW is mobile ballistic missile launchers, whose mobility and ability to launch nuclear weapons make them targets quickly.

The Air Force wants the SiAW to dispense with technology developed for the new Advanced Extended Range Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM-ER). The AARGM-ER, with its hack-sounding name, is an improved version of the AARGM and HARM anti-radar missiles. Anti-aircraft missiles are designed to be fast-moving to enemy air defense radar before they can fire themselves—and the Air Force needs this technology. for SiAW.

The blog says that the AARGM-ER, with its new rocket engine, has twice the speed and range. The SiAW won't necessarily have a range of 120 miles, but the Mach-4's speed will be useful for engaging enemy radars and missiles. Other ARRGM-ER features that will make it into the SiAW are a new satellite and inertial navigation system, a millimeter-wave radar seeker for up-to-date information, and the ability to send images of the target over a data link.

Stand-in Attack Weapon

The Air Force will purchase thousands of SiAWs to outfit 1,763 F-35s as the Air Force will purchase in the next year and a half. A video released by Lockheed Martin (above) shows one fighter carrying up to six SiAWs, though the aircraft does not appear to be carrying wind-to-air missiles for defensive weapons. A more accurate load would be four externally carried SiAW missiles, and four internally carried AIM-120 AMRAAM air-to-air missiles. If stealth is required, the F-35A will be limited to one SiAW in one internal weapons bay and two AMRAAMs in the other.

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SiAW will carefully fill existing gaps in the F-35's capabilities, hitting the time-critical target at more than 3,000 mph. Extracting technology from existing weapons will make it easier, cheaper, and faster to develop. It also needs a new, pirate-sounding name as AARGM technology evolves into a missile with a broader mission. Cutlass looks great.

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What computers do when the military is under stress The National Guard simulates “worst day in America” Much of what your brain knows is a lie Russia plans to fly a new heavy aircraft for 2024 The United States Army is awarded the first Joint Reserve Attack Weapon (SiAW) contract for three comp.

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Air Force Magazine reported that the service selected Lockheed Martin, L3 Harris and Northrop Grumman from a group of five companies for a 90-day, $2 million contract. Boeing and Raytheon Technologies are also in the process of calculating.

The outlet wrote, citing the company, that Lockheed will play the SiAW integration business under contract and build the hardware in the next five years. He added that the final product will be tested and evaluated for production.

The Air-Surface SiAW is intended to penetrate a denial-access environment/area from surface attacks such as “synthetic ballistic missile launchers, ground attack and anti-ship cruise missile launchers, GPS jammers, anti-satellite systems, and defense systems.” Integrated Air.

Stand-in Attack Weapon

The weapon is intended to be based on the advanced anti-radiation missile AGM-88G - Extended Range developed by Northrop for the US Navy.

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Upgrading the SiAW, Jens writes, will make the weapon relevant to fifth-generation fighter jets such as the F-35, which have warheads and fuses capable of "expanding missions." USF application information.

It will also include "guided radar homing, global armament interface language configuration for the SiAW missile and the F-35A aircraft. SiAW will also seek to develop future capabilities to make them relevant to changing threats."

We use cookies or similar technologies on our website to analyze our traffic. You accept the use of cookies or other identifiers by closing or deleting this notice, clicking a link or button, or continuing to visit this site. Agreed The new missile will provide the F-35 as an important tool to quickly destroy air defenses, missiles, ships and other threats first.

The US Army has announced that it is working to convert the US Navy's Advanced Range Anti-Radiation Guided Missile, or AARGM-ER, into a strike aircraft that its F-35A Joint Strike Fighter can carry. Used against many time-sensitive targets. That's one thing

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This would have been expected to be the case based on previous data from this program. The new missiles will provide stealth aircraft, as well as other aircraft in the future, an important means of acceleration to prevent penetration and denial of territory, as well as to destroy pop-up plans in a short time.

What happened is the first public announcement that the AARGM-ER will serve as the basis for what the Air Force officially refers to as the Stand In Attack Weapon, or SiAW, including detailed information on the service.Budget 2020., which he announced. on March 18, 2019. The mention of the SiAW first appeared in the Air Force's 2018 budget proposal, which was released in February 2017, but the product line does not mention the use of special missiles as a starting point.

The "Stand in Attack Weapon (SiAW) system will provide an offensive capability to defeat rapidly changing targets that create an Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) environment," explains the Air Force's latest budget proposal. The target environment includes theater ballistic missile launchers, anti-ship and ground attack missile launchers, GPS jammers, anti-satellite systems, and integrated air defense systems. "

Stand-in Attack Weapon

The Navy, already responsible for the AARGM-ER program, is responsible for developing the SiAW variant. The Air Force maintains integration of the missile with the F-35A, which is the primary launch platform. Northrop Grumman is developing the weapon after it bought the company that first developed it, Orbital ATK, in 2017.

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The SiAW will feature a different warhead and fuse, of an unspecified type, that the Navy began working on in fiscal 2019. The Navy already has a requirement for the AARGM-ER to fit its F-35C's weapon bays, so the new variant just needs to retain a section profile. Similar to the F-35A carrier.

The Air Force will also have to ensure that the terminal on its aircraft can "communicate" with the missile, something the service has been working on independently since fiscal year 2019. The USAF's most recent budget request required nearly $163 million to continue this development program.

The AARGM-ER is already being prepared as a high-capacity ballistic missile. This is why it looks obvious

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