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Star Trek Excelsior

Star Trek Excelsior

The Excelsior-class was a type of battleship and explorer that was first built in the 2280s and continued to be used by Starfleet in the 24th and 25th centuries. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual; Components RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual)

Uss Excelsior By Thefirstfleet On Deviantart

A variant of this class was the USS Excelsior (NX-2000), which was initially fitted with an experimental reciprocating engine and was declared the "Grand Trial". (film TOS: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

The last ship of this class built was the USS Dallas (NCC-2019). (TNG: Elite Force II video game)

While the Dallas may have been the last ship, this decision appears to have been overturned, as in 2409 Starfleet has the Excelsior-class and Enterprise-B subclass refit ships in service 125 and 116 years later. The first ships were. delegated, respectively.

The "great test" of the trans-electric engine was intended to replace the light transport by capturing the combat envelope in the transport area and beaming it in front of the ship and increasing the speed at which it could move. However, the Excelsior's first attempt to capture the stolen USS Enterprise in 2285 failed when the tracks were sabotaged by Montgomery Scott. (FASA RPG Module: Communication Star Identification Manual; TOS Movie: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)

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Despite the unsuccessful launch, tests continued on the Excelsior, but the transwarp drive continued to be unreliable and was declared a failure. However, the Excelsior's Spaceframe was extremely stable and reliable, and it was decided to replace the re-engines with a conventional warhead and continue producing other starships. Another Mark I Excelsior starship, the USS Proxima was built and subjected to shock tests in 2288 (starting 2/2400).

Two Mark II Excelsior-class ships, USS Columbia and USS Galacta, were also commissioned that same year for drop tests. (FASA RPG Module: Federal Vessel Identification Manual)

A few years later, a new version of the Excelsior class design was launched with major hull design changes. The first ship to have these features was the USS Enterprise-B, launched in 2293. (film TNG: Star Trek Generations)

Star Trek Excelsior

Although some flagship Excelsior ships were built to these specifications, many newer vessels used the original design. (Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; The Video Game ST: Legacy; DS9 Episode: "Paradise Lost") Amt Star Trek U.s.s. Excelsior 1:1000 Scale Model Kit

Production of the Excelsior class continued into the 24th century, demonstrating the adaptability and quality of the basic design. However, by the early 2330s, construction of new Excelsior class ships had been reduced to just two per year as new starship classes such as the Ambassador class entered service. Although Excelsiors were largely relegated to secondary duties in the 2360s, most remained in service. (ST short story: "Fire Hour"; TNG episode: "Tin Man"; VOY episode: "Endgame"; DS9 episode: "What You Left")

In the 2370s, Excelsiors primarily served in battles against the Borg and the Dominion, although there was a high level of restraint in combat operations. For this reason at least one of the Excelsior class, the USS Lakota, has been retrofitted with more advanced weapons such as quantum torpedoes.

Thanks to its reliable design, ships of this class can be upgraded with new technologies and weapons, making them comparable to new ships of the 25th century. (STO video game: Star Trek Online)

The initial Excelsior-class Mark I design included 16 missile banks (8 FH-11, 8 FH-5) and 4 photon torpedo launchers. The two different types were to ensure that all armored zones were covered by both long- and short-range weapons. However, the evaluation team decided to replace the 8 FH-5 banks with two FH-11 banks, which meant that the Excelsior only had ten stage banks, but the fire station was effectively covered.

U.s.s. Excelsior By Calamitysi On Deviantart

Improvements in torpedo key technology allowed two more devices to be added to the Mark II design and persisted through other models. (FASA RPG Module: Federal Vessel Identification Manual)

By the 2370s, the Excelsior's design had been outfitted with improved positioning, quantum torpedoes, and other tactical improvements compatible with later starship designs and needed during the Borg and Dominion conflicts. (DS9 episode: "Paradise Lost")

The Excelsior-class shields were an improved version of the four-sided shields used in the late 23rd century, and were found to have greater deflection power. (FASA RPG Module: Federal Vessel Identification Manual)

Star Trek Excelsior

In the mid-24th century, Starfleet began allowing civilians to travel on Federation starships and allowing officers to accompany their families when traveling. While newer starships such as the Galaxy-class and Nebula-class were built to accommodate civilians, the older Excelsior-class ships were not designed to carry them. In fact, one of the administrative reasons for family accommodation on reconnaissance ships is often cited in the disciplinary experience of an officer on the USS Excelsior who had to request a leave of absence for an important family matter. (FASA RPG Module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)

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However, minor adjustments have been allowed to accommodate some families. The presence of civilians also made their safety a priority, as the Galaxy's main ships were equipped with facilities to separate launch stations and allow civilians to flee the battlefield. With this system in mind, several Excelsior-class ships, such as the USS Excelsior, USS Yorktown, and USS Hood, were equipped with the same plate separation capability. (TNG Novel Creation: Farpoint Encounter; TNG Novel Creation: Ghost Ship; TNG Novel Creation: Century)

Akira • Centaur • Indecent • Galaxy • Excelsior • Miranda • Nebula • Norway • Furious Queen • Saber • Sovereign • Federation Light Cruiser (Various Constitutions) (Various Constitutions)

Jem'Hadar battleship • Jem'Hadar battlecruiser • Jem'Hadar destroyer • Jem'Hadar attack cruiser • Jem'Hadar supership

Akira (Alita • Armitage • Thunderchild) • Ambassador (Alaska • Narendra • Yamaguchi) • Apollo (Akula frigate / light cruiser) • Cardenas (Buran) • Chesapeake (Mongrel) • Cheyenne (Dakota • Astronaut) • Concorde (Gendio Precruisi battle) ) ) • Constellation (Challenger depth probe) • Chimera heavy destroyer (Manticore) • Constitution (Achernar • Bonhomme Richard • Tikopai • Enterprise • Exeter • Excalibur • Vesper • Kirk • Crossfield (Glenn • century 32 refit) • Danube (Yellowstone) Decatur (Dreadnought) Bismarck • Curry • Kirov • New Jersey: arbiters of war Hoover (Edison) • Fear (Bellerophon • Cochrane's scientific ship • Discovery (scientific ship) • Janeway • Passenger • Trailblazer • Jaeger • Kumari (Charal • Key ) ) • Luna (Comet. (Cerberus • Hephaestus • Hestia • Phoenix) • Ptol emi (Dollond • Doppler • Keppler) • Remora (Charger) • Saladin (Cochise • Siva) • Santa Fe (Newport) • Saber (Gladius • Rapier) • Staff) • Sentinel Emissary • Nomad Cruiser • Vanguard) • Shepard (Gagarin (d. ) 25th (d)) • Solana (Helios • Montgomery • Omega) • Regent) • Steam (Appalachia • Zephyr) • Vesta (Aventine • Rademaker) • Kyle (Giorgiou • Shenzhou) • Horer (Apocalypse)

Lego Star Trek Excelsior Class

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